Lesley Hymers

Manager, Education and Outreach Programs
Lesley Hymers

Armed with undergraduate and graduate degrees in Earth sciences from the University of Guelph, Lesley has built an extensive career in Earth science and education. Now a surficial Earth science and mineral resources specialist, Lesley has worked in the stone, sand, and gravel industry; as a policy analyst and lead for the Environment and Education and Outreach Committees for the Ontario Mining Association; in post-secondary education in the scholarship of teaching and learning, instructional development, and course design; and as a sessional lecturer. She is an active member of the EdGEO Regional Committee, a director for both the Ontario and national chapters of the Canadian Land Reclamation Association, and serves as past president of the Canadian Geoscience Education Network. Lesley joined Mining Matters as a team member in September 2016.

Email: lhymers [at] miningmatters.ca (lhymers[at]miningmatters[dot]ca)