Field Trip Subsidy
Each September at the start of the school year Mining Matters provides field trip subsidies to teachers. The subsidies help offset the cost of transportation and entrance fees to stone, sand and gravel, mining, and geoscience venues. Applications are considered on a first come first-served basis and funding is not assured until the application process is completed.
Mining Matters looks forward to helping you make these educational experiences possible for your students.
Field Trip Ideas
Need help finding places to visit? Click here for a list of places to visit.
Field Trip Subsidy Application Procedures
Field trip subsidies are intended to underwrite transportation cost and admission fees, and are not normally used to cover meals, and/or substitution expenses. This application form must be completed 4-weeks (minimum) in advance of your geoscience themed excursion and submitted to Mining Matters for approval.
Please read carefully:
Since 1994, Mining Matters has offered a highly successful Field Trip Subsidy to enrich Earth science learning. The subsidies are intended to underwrite the cost of transportation and entrance fees to geoscience venues as well as stone, sand, and gravel operations. Mining Matters now welcomes applications for trips involving Earth materials, processing, and manufacturing. We encourage both active outdoor field exploration, such as visits to quarries and rehabilitated mine sites, and rock walks, as well as indoor excursions to museums and science centres to experience and reinforce geoscience concepts.
The 2024-2025 Field Trip Subsidy Application is open. Mining Matters looks forward to supporting you and your students in making these educational experiences available.
- Tier 1 per single school excursion: Teachers who have completed an in-service workshop, use Mining Matters teaching resources in their classroom, and are registered in our active teacher database, are eligible to apply for funding up to $500 once per academic year per single school excursion. Multiple teachers from the same school may apply, however, the maximum subsidy per school is $500.
- Tier 2 per single school excursion: Any Canadian teacher wishing to access field trip funding, and does not yet use Mining Matters teaching resources, qualifies for a one-time disbursement of up to $250. Multiple teachers from the same school may apply, however, the maximum subsidy per school is $250. *Conditions apply*.
All subsidies, regardless of tier, are disbursed on a first-come, first served basis. Teachers must apply for the subsidy in advance of the travel. In all cases applicants will be notified by Mining Matters if funding is still available. Please allow at least seven business days for your request to be processed. Only COMPLETE applications will be considered.
How to Apply
- Formally arrange your class trip by making a reservation with the venue and the transportation company you have chosen.
- Complete and submit the online application form, please ensure you have the following documents:
- the field trip booking confirmation received from the venue and/or transportation company,
- a written request, on school letter head stating the amount requested.
- Once your application is received and reviewed, you will be emailed a confirmation that funds, pending availability, are being held for your class.
- After your field trip:
- Notify the team at Mining Matters by emailing info [at] miningmatters.ca (info[at]miningmatters[dot]ca). You will be provided with details of the contact name and address of the program sponsor and given instructions about writing a letter of appreciation for the assistance. In addition, you will be required to provide verification of trip completion in the form of paid invoices (copies will suffice) for the entrance fees and transportation services. A cheque for the subsidy will be mailed to your school within 30 days of receiving of all required documentation.
Mining Matters Field Trip Subsidy Application
There is no better place to learn about the Earth and its constituent parts than in the outdoors! Mining Matters has set aside a limited amount of funding each year to help offset class field trip travel costs to geoscience and/or mining venues. The field trip subsidies are for up to $500.00 and are disbursed on a first-come, first serve basis.
Teacher-partners* must apply for the subsidy in advance of the travel. In all cases applicants will be notified by Mining Matters if funding is still available. To apply, complete this form.
Mining Matters thanks PDAC and SGS, for their generous support in making these educational experiences available.