The following list will direct you to external geoscience organizations categorized by:
Canadian Organizations
Government Sites
Places to Visit
Mineral Clubs and Shows
Canadian Organizations
- Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGO)
The Professional Geoscientists Act of 2000 received Royal Assent on June 23, 2000 and established the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO). APGO governs the practice of professional geoscience in Ontario and reports to the Minister of Northern Development and Mines. The legislation protects the public and investors by establishing a regulated association of geoscientists with the power to admit only qualified persons to encourage continuing professional competence, discipline members for professional misconduct, and prevent unqualified individuals from practicing.
- Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME)
AME BC is the predominant voice of mineral exploration and development in British Columbia. Established in 1912, AME BC represents thousands of members, including geoscientists, prospectors, engineers, entrepreneurs, exploration companies, suppliers, mineral producers, and associations who are engaged in mineral exploration and development in B.C. and throughout the world. Through leadership, advocacy, and partnerships, AME BC promotes a healthy environment and business climate for the mineral exploration industry.
- Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS)
The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS) brings together Earth scientists from universities, government institutions, the mining and petroleum industries, and consultants in the Atlantic Provinces. Its membership includes professional geologists, students, and interested members of the public. It is an entirely a volunteer-run association with a small membership fee.
- Canadian Association of Science Centres (CACS)
The Canadian Association of Science Centres was founded in 1985 to create synergy among Canada's science centres and science-related museums to assist in finding solutions to the challenges faced by these important public institutions and to provide a single voice before government.
- Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences (CFES)
CFES/FCST -- the unified voice for earth science in Canada -- works to raise awareness of the importance of Earth science in Canadians' daily lives. It also works to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the role of Earth Sciences in environmental, natural hazard, and climate studies and in securing and responsibly developing Canada's energy, mineral, and water resources.
- Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN)
The Canadian Geoscience Education Network (CGEN) is the education arm of the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences. CGEN is concerned with all levels of geoscience education in Canada and encourages activities designed to increase public awareness of geoscience. CGEN exists to stimulate the development of geoscience awareness activities in Canada and to coordinate the efforts of the Canadian geoscience community in matters related to geoscience education and public awareness of geoscience. It acts as a forum for discussion of matters related to geoscience education in Canada. Since programs related to education in schools are best delivered on a local scale, CGEN is a collective of grassroots activists who deliver programs in their local areas. CGEN undertakes initiatives that can only be conducted on the national scale and raises funds to support grassroots activities.
- Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM/ICM)
Founded in 1898, the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy, and Petroleum (CIM) is the leading technical society of professionals in the Canadian Minerals, Metals, Materials and Energy Industries.
- Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CLRA)
Canadian Land Reclamation Association is Canada's only national organization dedicated to the reclamation and rehabilitation of disturbed lands and waterways.
- Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG)
The Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (CSEG) promotes the profession of Geophysics, encourages education, and facilitates social opportunities.
- Canadian Energy Geoscience Association (CEGA)
Since 1927, the Canadian Energy Geoscience Association (CEGA), formerly known as the CSPG, has been a member-based association committed to fostering geoscientists’ professional development throughout their careers.
- Coal Association of Canada (CAC)
The mission of the Coal Association of Canada (CAC) is to proactively support association members in the development, growth and advancement of a safe, socially responsible, and economically sustainable Canadian coal industry.
- Geological Association of Canada (GAC)
The mission of the Geological Association of Canada (GAC) is to facilitate the scientific well-being and professional development of its members, the learned discussion of geoscience in Canada, and the advancement, dissemination, and wise use of geoscience in public, professional, and academic life.
- Geological Survey of Canada (GSC)
The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) is the national organization for geoscientific information and research. Their work supports exploration and decision-making in the mining and energy sectors as well as national sovereignty, hazards risk management and more.
- Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC)
The Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC) was formed in 1955 as a non-profit scientific organization to promote and advance the knowledge of mineralogy and the allied disciplines of crystallography, petrology, geochemistry, and mineral deposits.
- Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC)
The Mining Association of B.C., one of the oldest associations in the province, represents the collective needs and interests of coal, metal, industrial mineral companies and smelters in British Columbia. In doing so, MABC has come to be regarded as the predominant voice of mining in British Columbia.
- Mining Association of Canada (MAC)
The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) is the trusted national voice of Canada's mining and mineral processing industry. Since 1935, they have supported and promoted one of Canada's most integral economic sectors, providing leadership, sharing resources, and continuing to build, strengthen, and engage the mining industry.
- Mining Association of Nova Scotia (MANS)
The Mining Association of Nova Scotia represents companies in all areas of mining and quarrying: exploration, discovery, development, production, and reclamation as well as acting as consultants and suppliers to the industry.
- Mining Industry Human Resources Council (MiHR)
MiHR is the council for the Canadian minerals and metals industry. A recognized leader in the development and implementation of national human resources solutions, MiHR contributes to the strength, competitiveness, and sustainability of the Canadian mining sector. The products and services supporting their endeavours are based on sound research into the skills and the labour market issues that matter most to the Canadian mining industry.
- American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA)
AEMA, formerly the Northwest Mining Association, is a 125-year old, 2,300 member non-profit, non-partisan trade association based in Spokane, Washington. NWMA members reside in 42 states and are actively involved in prospecting, exploring, mining, and reclamation closure activities on USFS administered lands, especially in the West.
- Northwest Territories and Nunavut Chamber of Mines
The NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines, which continues to serve companies operating in the NWT and Nunavut, has been the voice of the Northern mining and exploration industry since 1967. Its goals are to promote the industry and the north to Northerners, Canadians, and the world at large. It continues to speak out on industry opportunities, concerns, and issues. It advises governments, investors, the media, educational institutions, and the public on industry positions and initiatives.
- Ontario Mining Association (OMA)
The Ontario Mining Association (OMA) was established in 1920 to represent the mining industry of the province and is one of the longest serving trade organizations in Canada. They have a long history of working constructively with governments and communities of interest to build consensus on issues that matter to our industry and to the people of this province. The OMA sponsors our Mineral Resources and Mining Education Tours.
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)
The PDAC exists to promote a responsible, vibrant, and sustainable Canadian mineral exploration and development sector. The PDAC encourages leading practices in technical, environmental, safety, and social performance in Canada and internationally.
- Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS)
The Royal Canadian Geographical Society is dedicated to imparting a broader knowledge and deeper appreciation of Canada — its people and places, its natural and cultural heritage, and its environmental, social, and economic challenges.
- Québec Mining Association / Association minière du Québec (L’AMQ)
The Québec Mining Association (QMA) is a provincial organization representing metal and mineral mining companies, metallurgy companies, mining contractors and junior mining exploration companies.
- Saskatchewan Mining Association (SMA)
The Saskatchewan Mining Association aims to represent and support a safe, responsible, and growing Saskatchewan mining industry.
- Yukon Chamber of Mines
The Yukon Chamber of Mines represents a dynamic membership, and, since its creation almost 70 years ago, has worked to serve its valued members and advance the interests of all those involved in the Yukon mining industry.
Government Sites
- Ontario Ministry of Mines (MNDM)
The Ministry of Mines works to support responsible land use management and mineral resource development by administration of the Mining Act, providing public geoscience information and client services.
- CanmetEnergy
Natural Resources Canada's CanmetENERGY is the Canadian leader in clean energy research and technology development. With a membership of over 450 scientists, engineers, and technicians and more than 100 years of experience, we are Canada's knowledge centre for scientific expertise on clean energy technologies.
- Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) seeks to enhance the responsible development and use of Canada’s natural resources and the competitiveness of Canada’s natural resources products. They are an established leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, and minerals and metals and use their expertise in earth sciences to build and maintain an up-to-date knowledge base of our landmass.
- Alberta Energy
Alberta Energy manages the development of province's non-renewable resources including coal, minerals, natural gas, petrochemicals, conventional oil and oil sands and renewable energy (wind, bioenergy, solar, hydro, geothermal, etc.). It grants industry the right to explore for and develop energy and mineral resources, establishes, administers, and monitors the effectiveness of fiscal and royalty systems, promotes energy efficiency and conservation by both Albertans and industry and encourages additional investment that creates jobs and economic prosperity.
- BC Mineral Development Office
Located in downtown Vancouver, the MDO is mandated to provide mineral and coal resource and potential information to industry and government, promote the province's minerals and coal industry, both domestically and abroad and be a point of contact for industry on issues impacting the exploration and mining industries.
- Government of Manitoba Department of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources
To help their citizens innovate, build capacity, and prosper, the Government of Manitoba Department of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources creates strategic partnerships, encourages investment, provides tools for success, promotes advanced knowledge, champions critical policy development, and reinforces wise use of Manitoba’s abundant resources.
- New Brunswick Energy and Mines
The mandate of New Brunswick Energy and Mines is to ensure New Brunswickers have access to energy choices at a competitive cost while respecting environment and societal concerns.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey
The mandate of the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador is to map the geological framework of the province; to interpret and explain its geological evolution; and to describe, interpret and explain the distribution, nature, quantity, and origin of the province's mineral resources.
- Mining & Minerals in Nunavut
Canada's North is rich in mineral resources and the development of these resources provides socioeconomic benefits to Northerners. Crown lands in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut are managed pursuant to the Territorial Lands Act and its related Regulations. In the northern territories sub-surface lands include hard-rock minerals, precious gems and coal. The rights to these materials are administered through the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Mining Regulations (formerly known as the Canada Mining Regulations) and the Territorial Coal Regulations. There is a distinction between sub-surface minerals and surface mineral substances that have specific purposes such as carving stone and building materials. These special use surface minerals are administered through the Territorial Quarry Regulations.
- Nova Scotia Mineral Resources Branch
The Mineral Resources Branch is responsible for implementing policies and programs dealing with the exploration, development, management, and efficient use of mineral resources. The Branch promotes scientific understanding of the geology of Nova Scotia for use by government, industry, and the public, and provides a mineral rights tenure system that establishes legal rights to minerals for exploration and development. The branch also promotes the concepts of environmental responsibility and sustainable development, stewardship of the mineral resource sector and integrated resource planning.
- Ministry of Natural Resources Québec
The mission of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles is to promote knowledge acquisition and to ensure the development and optimal use of land, energy, forestry, and mineral resources in Québec from a sustainable development perspective, for the benefit of the entire population.
- Saskatchewan Geological Survey
The Saskatchewan Geological Survey is responsible for investigating, compiling, and maintaining information on the geology, and mineral and energy resources of the province.
- Yukon Geological Survey
The mandate of the Yukon Geological Survey is to be the authority and provider of choice for the geoscience and related technical information required to enable stewardship and sustainable development of the Territory’s energy, mineral, and land resources.
- Northwest Territories Geological Survey
The Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) is a Division of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment, Government of the Northwest Territories. The Survey advances geoscience knowledge by conducting geoscience research, analysing mineral and petroleum resources, and offering excellent digital data.
Places to Visit
- Atlas Coal Mine
The Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site is famous for providing fascinating underground tours, train tours, and tipple tours. "Remember to breathe" at this authentic Drumheller attraction, where they tell true tales of mines and men.
- Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre
The Canmore Museum & Geoscience Centre is dedicated to telling the stories of our mountains and our communities for present and future generations.
- Royal Alberta Museum
Located in Edmonton, the Royal Alberta Museum is one of Canada's most popular museums. Set in a park just west of downtown, the museum offers a full range of exhibitions and activities for every age level and interest. There are a variety of featured exhibitions Behind the scenes, 13 curatorial programs are responsible for building and making accessible some of the finest cultural and natural history collections in the country.
- Royal Tyrrell Museum
The Royal Tyrrell Museum is Canada’s only museum dedicated exclusively to the science of palaeontology. In addition to housing one of the world’s largest displays of dinosaurs, the museum offers a wide variety of creative, fun, and educational programs that bring prehistoric past to life.
British Columbia
- Brittania Mine Museum
Enjoy a guided underground tour to explore what life was like at one of the British Empire's largest copper mines. The 10-acre site is itself an exhibit providing unique access to an important piece of Canadian history.
- Royal BC Museum
The Royal B.C. Museum Corporation is one of Canada’s greatest cultural treasures. The museum was founded in 1886 and its archives in 1894. In 2003, these two organizations joined to become British Columbia’s combined provincial museum and archives, collecting artifacts, documents, and specimens of British Columbia’s natural and human history, safeguarding them for the future, and sharing them with the world.
- The Manitoba Museum
Natural history collections are developed and maintained as a “specimen library” of plants, animals, fossils, rocks and minerals for the province. Specimens are used for reference and research, in public and school programs, and in exhibitions.
New Brunswick
- New Brunswick Museum
The New Brunswick Museum is New Brunswick’s provincial museum. As such, it is a principle repository and steward of material that documents or represents the natural and human history of New Brunswick and other related regions. In partnership with institutions and communities, we collect, preserve, research and interpret material to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of New Brunswick provincially and globally.
Newfoundland and Labrador
- Newfoundland and Labrador
Check out the geology and fossils found in Newfoundland and Labrador. It is home to some of the oldest rocks in the world and its unique geological landscapes attract scientists and rockhounds from across the globe. These ancient treasures provide an incredible chance to go back in time and interact with rocks that date back billions of years. Whether it's ocean floors that surged up due to continental collisions or coming face-to-face with astonishing evidence of early life on the planet, the province's rocks are a unique chance to witness our planet's history.
- Johnson GEOCentre
Memorial University's Johnson GeoCentre takes you deep underground to experience the story of planet Earth. Discover our planet's incredible history, learn about the volcanoes, earthquakes, and natural forces that shape the very ground beneath our feet, look to the future with space exploration, and so much more. Explore the interactive exhibits on your own or join our interpreters on a guided tour.
Northwest Territories
- Norman Wells Historical Society
Originally dedicated to preserving the historical memory of the Canol Project, the Norman Wells Historical Society's mission has grown. Today, its mandate is to preserve and promote the cultural and historical memory of the Sahtu settlement area and its people.
Since the Society opened, the Norman Wells Historical Centre, and its collection has expanded immensely. The centre now includes a wide range of displays relating to the oilfield, mining, aviation, geological, and cultural history of the region.
Nova Scotia
- Museum of Natural History
The Museum of Natural History, as it's now known , is responsible for the collecting and recording of artifacts of cultural significance to Nova Scotia as well as promoting Nova Scotia's natural landscape. Here at the museum, we house collections on archeology, ethnology, mammals, marine life and more.
- Fundy Geological Museum
Discover Nova Scotia's ancient geologic history at the Fundy Geological Museum in Parrsboro. Explore the Bay of Fundy's stunning shoreline, where the highest tides unveil half a billion years of geological wonders. Delve into exhibit galleries about the Triassic and Jurassic landscapes and join guided outdoor tours.
- Scenic Caves
Scenic Caves Nature Adventures offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience natural wonders through education, environment, and leisure.
- Bonnechere Caves
The Bonnechere Caves have been welcoming people from all over the world for over 55 years. They provide a safe, educational, informative, and fun tour for people of all ages. Everyone from babies in backpacks to senior citizens have enjoyed the handiwork of Mother Nature along the beautiful Bonnechere River.
- Royal Ontario Museum
The ROM is an essential destination for understanding the Earth and our solar system. Meteorites, rocks, precious minerals, and gems contribute to one of the finest museum collections on display anywhere. In total, over 4.5 billion years of history are represented at the ROM in almost 3,000 exceptional specimens originating from all over the Earth, from the moon… and beyond.
- Sudbury's Dynamic Earth
Since Science North first opened the doors to its Dynamic Earth geology and mining programming, this Sudbury, Ontario attraction has welcomed more than 170,000 visitors into the world of Earth sciences.
- University of Waterloo Earth Sciences Museum
The University of Waterloo Earth Science Museum is to be enjoyed by people of all ages. No matter what your level of learning, the museum serves to amaze the general public, elementary and high school groups, and university students alike.
- Queen's University Miller Museum of Geology
The Miller Museum is located in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It’s a small but active Earth science teaching museum for local schools and natural-science interest groups in eastern Ontario.
- Canadian Museum of Nature
The Canadian Museum of Nature is more than a natural history museum. Behind our public face is a vibrant, multi-layered, multi-faceted organization composed of world-renowned research scientists, collection specialists, education and multimedia specialists, and innovators.
Prince Edward Island
- Redpath Museum
The Redpath Museum, one of Canada's oldest free-standing museums, functions as a unique interdisciplinary unit within the Faculty of Science. As a museum it preserves and displays large collections of ancient and modern organisms, minerals, and world culture (ethnological) artefacts. As an academic unit, it serves as a centre for the teaching and writing of science, as well as a research centre for the history of life and biodiversity of the planet.
- Musée minier Horne
Mining exploration in northwestern Québec was the work of prospectors from Ontario. In the 1910s, many of them scoured the area in canoes, looking for new deposits. Edmund Horne was one of these prospectors looking for gold. In 1911 he made his first trip to the area where Rouyn now stands. He returned in 1914 and 1917. In the early 1920s, his flair and perseverance led him to discover what turned out to be the largest ore deposit in the region. This find resulted in the creation of Noranda Mines Limited in 1922. The construction of the Horne Mine and its copper smelter began in 1925. Two years later, production began.
- Musée minéralogique de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Museum visitors are invited to explore original exhibits and interactive attractions in a stimulating setting. A family friendly atmosphere and new approach in museum management engages guests in learning about the many fascinating aspects of minerals. Immersed in the natural beauty of unique samples, including off-planet specimens such as a lunar rock, adventurers walk away with an unforgettable experience.
- Musée de la nature et des sciences de Sherbrooke
In the fall of 2002, after over 120 years of promoting the conservation and creating passion for natural sciences as a school museum, the Musée du Séminaire de Sherbrooke moved into a newly renovated building overlooking the majestic Magog river gorge and became the Musée de la nature et des sciences. The new site allows the population to have access to new public grounds of unique beauty and appeal right in the heart of downtown Sherbrooke. In 2004, the Museum won the Grands prix du Tourisme québécois’s Lauréat Or prize in the “Tourist Attraction – under 50 000 visitors” category. This honour helped the Museum become better known as a tourist attraction offering a variety of products, such as field trips, seminars, children’s parties, the nature counter, and much more.
- Maison Léon-Provancher
Since 1990, Maison Léon-Provancher has been continuing the educational work of this great naturalist by offering activities all year round. Come and discover history, science and technology through a multidisciplinary approach.
- Musée minéralogique et minier de Thetford Mines
A visit to the Musée minéralogique et minier is all about discovering, learning and having fun! Among other things, it tells the story of asbestos, from its formation in the heart of the Earth to its discovery, and from its use to its controversy. We tell you the story of the men and women who forged this unique history. We also share with you the extraordinary world of mineralogy.
- Mine Capelton
Come and visit this recreational and tourist site, which showcases the historical heritage of the Albert, Capelton and Eustis industrial-mining complex. Explore an old copper mine dating back to 1863 in complete safety, accompanied by a guide who will tell you all about the history of this wonderful world. A walking tour full of underground discoveries and beauty awaits you!
- University of Saskatchewan Museum of Natural Sciences
The Museum of Natural Sciences was made possible by the combined efforts of the Departments of Biology and Geological Sciences, at the University of Saskatchewan. This museum is designed to outline evolution throughout geological time, providing an integrated learning environment with displays of living plants, animals, fossils, rocks and minerals. A working seismograph is also on display in an adjacent hallway.
- Royal Saskatchewan Museum
In 1906, the Provincial Museum (as it was called then) was formed to “secure and preserve natural history specimens and objects of historical and ethnological interest." Since these early beginnings, the museum's purpose has expanded to use these specimens and objects to educate communities through our programs, exhibits and research.
- Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre
Imagine a world where the vast steppe stretches unbroken as far as the eye can see. Envision a place where predators of staggering proportions compete with human hunters for food. Picture a land where the animals and plants struggle to survive in the cold, dry treeless expanse. Explore the treasures of that world within the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre and watch Beringia come alive.
- MacBride Museum
The MacBride Museum is a dynamic museum, dedicated to promoting the value, understanding and enjoyment of Yukon history. From the history of the Klondike Gold Rush of 1898 to the new gold rush of 2010, mining has been a key driver of the Yukon economy for more than 100 years. The Mining History exhibit explains different techniques used to gather placer gold in the Yukon.
Mineral Clubs and Shows
- Young Toronto Mineralogists Club
In the Toronto area, kids who love to collect can join the Young Toronto Mineralogists Club.
- The Kawartha Rock and Fossil Club
Annual Peterborough Gem, Mineral & Fossil Show
- Brantford Lapidary & Mineral Society Gem & Mineral Show
- The Kitchener-Waterloo Gem and Mineral Club
Annual Gem and Mineral Show and Sale
- Sudbury Rock & Lapidary Society
Annual Gem and Mineral Show
- Bancroft Rockhound Gemboree
- The Gem & Mineral Club of Scarborough Wonders of the Earth Show
- Ottawa Lapsmith & Mineral Club Annual Gem & Mineral Show
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
- Ancaster Gem, Mineral, Bead & Jewellery Show
- Kingston Lapidary & Mineral Club Gem Storm Show and Sale
- University of Waterloo Annual Gem & Mineral Show
- The Gem Expo
- Canadian Micro-Mineral Association Workshop and Symposium
- London Gem & Mineral Show