Toilet Tissue Timeline




The Earth is 4.6 billion years old and human experience is just a small part of this ancient timeline. The Earth is a dynamic planet that has experienced and continues to experience many changes, including the formation of continents, extinctions, glaciation and climate change.


To construct a model of Earth’s history and learn how our planet has changed over time.


  • A roll of toilet paper
  • Crayons/coloured markers


Working together with your family, construct a timeline by carefully rolling out the toilet paper, and numbering the sheets to keep count. When you arrive at an important event in Earth’s history, carefully write the event on the tissue, or mark it with a symbol, using a coloured marker and record it on a piece of paper. Refer to the information in the chart below to construct your timeline. When you have completed your timeline discuss the Earth’s history model with your family. Was everyone surprised at how many sheets were required to create the timeline? 

Was anyone surprised by any of the events in the history of the Earth?

Toilet Paper Timeline
(~200 sheets)

Sheets from START

Sheets from previous marker

Earth Event

1 Sheet

1 Sheet

Planet Earth formed

4 Sheets

3 Sheets

Earth’s core and crust formed

9 Sheets

5 Sheets

Oceans formed

33 Sheets

24 Sheets

First life appeared

135 Sheets

102 Sheets

Oxygen begins accumulating in the atmosphere

170 Sheets

35 Sheets

First animals

178 Sheets

8 Sheets

First vertebrates

184 Sheets

6 Sheets

First land plants

185 Sheets

1 Sheet

First land animals

190 Sheets

5 Sheets

First dinosaurs

197 Sheets

7 Sheets

Extinction of the dinosaurs

200 Sheets

3 Sheets

First humans

200 Sheets

0 Sheets

Present day




Age Range

Resource Language