Human Water Cycle

Human Water Cycle


Water travels or changes from one point or state to another in the water cycle and the paths
it takes changes. It is always in motion. Water moves from the oceans and land surfaces
into the sky and is dropped to Earth as rain, snow, and ice. Water can then be transferred
back to the seas by rivers and groundwater. This endless flow is known as the water cycle.


In this activity, you will “become” a water droplet and move through the water cycle.


  • Human Water Cycle Dice Nets
  • Human Water Cycle Station Cards
  • Tape
  • Human Water Cycle Worksheet


  1. Cut out the Human Water Cycle Dice Nets, fold, and tape into cubes.
  2. Fold the Human Water Cycle Station Cards in half.
  3. Place each Station Card and matching die in a separate location around your house. Each die has one small triangle on one side . The word that appears on the side with the triangle is the name of the station where the die belongs.
  4. In this game you will be representing a water droplet moving through the water cycle. There are nine locations where water is found:
    1. Animals (including humans)
    2. Clouds
    3. Glaciers
    4. Groundwater
    5. Lakes
    6. Oceans
    7. Plants
    8. Rivers
    9. Soil
  5. While playing this game think about how, as a water droplet, you are moving from one location (“lake”) to another (“cloud”).
  6. Select a station to start at and record it on your worksheet.
  7. Roll the die at your chosen location and record the result (even if it is the location you are currently at), and move to that station.
  8. Repeat Step 6 until your worksheet is full.
  9. Answer the questions on your worksheet.