Creating a Mining Playlist


Part A: Writing a Mining Song

1. Brainstorm words and ideas that you could include in a mining song about rocks, minerals, metals, mining, and the environment. Write your ideas in the organizer. Review the list and circle the ideas and words you would like to include in your song.
2. Choose a favourite children’s song to use as music for your song lyric.
3. Write your song, including as many appropriate mining-related words as possible and at least one big idea about mining. Remember to pay attention to the rhythm and rhyme pattern of the original song. 
4. Practice singing your song.
5. Perform your song for your family.

Part B: Designing a Mining Playlist Cover

You have been hired by a large recording company to design a playlist cover for the song.

Devise a group name, a title for your playlist, and a list of the songs that will appear on your recording. Illustrate your playlist cover. Everything on your playlist cover must relate to rocks, minerals, metals, mining, and the environment.
